NEW Oracle Deck!

ANNOUNCING my NEW Celestial Rose Oracle Cards!

Available for Purchase Here

The Celestial Rose Oracle Deck was inspired by the Sufi poet Rumi’s transcendent poem “The Celestial Rose of Ma.”

Channeling the energy of Cosmic Divine Love, I used my 20+ years of experience in Intuitive readings to select messages on each card (45 total) that I’ve found to be the most effective for a variety of questions.

I personally created and use this deck every day! I am so inspired by the messages that have come through using this deck.

Celestial Rose Oracle Deck (Back of Cards)

As my first Oracle Deck, the Celestial Rose Oracle is delivered shrink-wrapped directly from the printing company. This has allowed me to keep this deck as affordable as possible. So you can get right to the heart of what you need to hear from the Universe right now.

I’m very happy with the quality of these cards! They shuffle very smoothly and are the size of a standard Tarot Card Deck. I know you will be as thrilled as I am to work with the Celestial Oracle Deck!

celestial rose oracle
Celestial Rose Oracle (Front of Cards: 6 of 46 total)

Celestial Rose of Ma

The taste of bitterness become sweetness and love!

The searching in the dark finds the light of faith revealed in love!

Love transforms thistles into Jasmine.

Love layers heaven, and gives us with wings to soar into its mystery.

Love transforms our every thought into a desire of the heart!

O Love!

How Divine is your luring!

Beauty flows from your unseen face!

Your very nature is radiant with joy!

You manifest vibrant hues in every flower! Your touch dazzles all creation!

Every particle is attracted towards you, longing to unite and dwell in you!
