Ex-Removal Spell: Is Your Toxic Relationship Haunting You?

Sometimes after a toxic relationship, your ex’s energy can stick around. During romantic relationships, we develop strong connections with our partner. Their lingering attachments after a break-up can feel like the person is haunting you! They might visit you in your dreams or you may feel their presence or drained all the time.

On top of your own self-care, it can help to cut ties energetically with this person. Please keep in mind that you MUST be ready to cut ties with this person energetically before doing this spell or their energy will come back.

If it comes back, you can light your candle again on top of continuing to heal any attachments within yourself. I hope you find this spell helpful! Blessings & Love on your journey!

Moon: Full to Waning

Day: Saturday

Stones: Obsidian, Smoky quartz, Black Tourmaline, Selenite, (These are good stones to have nearby you if you have any of them but not necessary.)


  • A square (or two) of toilet paper,
  • Pen, 
  • White candle (new/not burned),
  • Black candle (new/not burned), 
  • Salt,
  • and matches or a lighter.

1. Sit with your hands over everything you are working with. Close your eyes and envision yourself surrounded by a clear glass-like circle of protection. While you are purifying the energy around you and your tools, say:

Guardians of Light, Love & the Divine

Protect Me As I Work this Spell of Mine

Harm to none, Blessed Unto Thee

Work My Magic, So Mote it Be.

(This is a quick Magic circle in a pinch. But you can set your Magic Circle however you prefer.)

2.Take a moment to envision your tools being purified with your hands over them. You can say:

I cleanse, consecrate, and regenerate these tools in the name of the God & the Goddess. So mote it be.

3. Now that you have cleansed yourself and your tools, light your black candle and say

Candle of protection, black as night.

Aid me in banishing (person’s name) from my sight.

Burn all attachments, in your glowing fire.

Work thy will by my desire.

4. Next take the toilet paper, (lol) and write the person’s name that you want to banish. Once their name is on the paper, take a moment to focus your intention on the name and the person’s energy. Sprinkle some salt in the middle of the toilet paper over their name for protection.
Then begin to fold up the toilet paper and say:

I gather up any of your remaining energy,

You must move along, and leave me be.

I wish you no ill, but you’re not welcome here,

Remove yourself at once, I’ve made the path clear. 

Be gone (name), I bid you farewell. 

Leave my space, and heed my spell. 

Leave my space, and heed my spell.

Leave my space, and heed my spell.

You can say the final line as many times as you want until you feel it has worked. Sometimes I close my eyes and whisper the final line until it feels like it has stuck.

5. Place the paper next to your black candle. Then take your white candle, light it and say:

Candle of fresh beginnings, truth, and peace,

I set my intentions with purity and ease. 

My energy is clear and shines brightly as you,

Past chains have been broken, I’m free to start new. 

6. You are ready to close out your spell. 

  • Blow out the black candle and imagine you are closing any connections once and for all. The white candle is your new energy that has been cleansed of any attachments. Keep this candle burning for as long as you can. 

(Important: When you are done with the white candle for the night, don’t blow it out. This can blow away its energy that you want to keep. You can wet your fingers or snuff it out somehow. If it has a lid, I just put the lid over it to snuff it and contain the Magick.)

  • Thank your Light Guardians and Spirit for their aid in the spell. You can say something like:

Thank you for your aid in my spell. Merry meet and merry we part, until we merry meet again.

7. Finally, you are going to flush that paper down the toilet! And say Good Riddance! 

  • Burn your white candle over the next three days when you can to make sure the banishment keeps. ðŸ•¯ðŸ•¯ðŸ•¯You can repeat the spell if you want to or just meditate on the fresh energy it brings you.

This spell is meant for responsible adult witches who are working magic responsibly for the intention of good. Blessed be.