The Universe and the people around you can sense your vibration (even if you’re trying to hide it on the outside.)
This can affect how you feel, interact with others, and also what you’re manifesting in the future. Imagine how important staying high vibe as often as possible is to create the life of your dreams!
Luckily, there are easy ways to vibrate higher daily using some simple techniques that pack a powerful punch! Find out how to raise your vibration instantly (just like the mystics do it!) with these easy tips!
Are You High Vibes? How to Raise Your Vibration
Hold up. Want to know what vibes you currently giving off?
Before we get started, feel free to check out my pick-a-card reading all about what your current vibes are like and how they’re affecting others.
This is a great way to get started on your high vibration journey. I also provide tips on how to work with your current energy for each pile.
Conscious Breathing
Your breath is your life force and it’s also the gateway into the present moment and creating space. That’s why it is quickly the easiest way to raise your vibration!
“Breath is the Vehicle of Consciousness and so, by its slow measured observation and distribution, we learn to tug our attention away from external desires toward a judicious intelligent awareness.”
– BKS Iyengar
By putting your focus on your breathing, you can slow down and become grounded. It also brings you back into your center and the present moment.
Many of the great mystics throughout history pointed towards the breath as a path to enlightenment, including Buddha and Osho. It is now a common part of today’s mindfulness practices. But its roots are far more ancient.
Science continues to support this practice and has shown many positive effects of slow, deep breaths. Instantly your body starts to relax. This results in positive changes like a lower heart rate and lower blood pressure.
So pause, take a slow conscious breath, and release anything that no longer serves you.
Take a Walk In Nature for High Vibes
If your energy is low vibes then it could be because you’ve been around low vibrational, man-made objects and buildings for too long. This causes us to get caught up in the anxiety, fears, and stresses of daily human life.
But nature is constantly cleansing itself and purifying the energy surrounding it. You might have to take a short trip to get somewhere that is truly untouched by the low vibrations that society can create. I can promise it is worth it!

Walking in nature, especially barefoot on the ground when possible, helps you to clear away the fog and release blockages. Known as “grounding,” it connects you to the healing energy of Mother Earth or Gaia.
You can also do this by gardening in your yard or swimming in a lake or river. If you absolutely can’t find a quiet space in nature, then you might want to fill your home with plants. Potted plants can naturally raise the vibration of your home and you too!
High Vibration Crystals
To maintain high vibes I always like to keep high vibration crystals nearby. Crystals were formed over a million years ago inside the Earth’s crust. (That’s a lot of Gaia energy packed into each stone!)
It’s no wonder many Mystics, tarot readers, psychics, etc. get drawn to these sparkly treasures! I myself have a growing collection that I use in my daily spiritual practices.
If you’re not sure where to start, it’s a good idea to find a crystal shop nearby and see which one (or ones) you are most drawn to. Most crystal lovers agree that the stone you most need to work with, will draw you in.

But if you don’t have time or can’t find a crystal shop to visit then I have a few recommendations of stones to work with.
Clear Quartz
Clear quartz crystal is a great option for use in all kinds of spiritual practices and rituals. Use it to set any kind of intention, with any chakra. It is also a powerful stone for psychic protection.
It’s easy to cleanse and work with because it is a hard stone. (You don’t have to worry about breaking or damaging it so you can bring it with you wherever you go.) Simply cleanse it by running it under water or whatever cleansing preference you have.
Clear quartz is a perfect crystal to start with because of its power along with its versatility.
Tiger’s Eye
Another easy-to-find and powerful stone is Tiger’s Eye. This brown and gold stone has a shimmery property that is beautiful to look at and work with.

Tiger’s Eye connects you to your Solar Plexus and Sacral chakra making it great for building confidence and connecting you to your body. This has a lovely grounding effect on your energy.
It’s known for bringing mental clarity as well as a powerful protection stone. I personally keep Tiger’s Eye in my car, especially on long road trips, to keep me safe and avoid accidents.
Another great stone to have around when you’re trying to vibrate higher daily, is selenite. This stone is actually mostly made of salt! If you hold it in your hands too long or run it under water – it will slowly dissolve!
This is a delicate, white stone and should be handled with care. However, the cleansing power of this stone is unbeatable! Hold this stone over your third eye to open up your consciousness and instantly raise your vibration!

I use selenite during every spell, spiritual practice, and meditation because it prevents intentions from backfiring! I also keep it with my other stones, tarot cards and spiritual tools because it cleanses those too!
Meditate Often
You don’t need a complicated meditation to raise your vibration.
The most powerful meditations you can do are most often the simplest. Transcendental Meditation which was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1950s, involves a simple meditation practice of repeating a mantra mentally while sitting quietly.
But you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to find peace with simple meditation.
There’s a lot of scientific research suggesting that there are many benefits of simple breathing or guided meditations. Including its health benefits for conditions such as anxiety, asthma, cancer, sleep problems, tension headaches, and much more!
There are so many meditations to choose from such as guided meditations, mantra meditations, Qi gong, Tai Chi, and yoga – to name a few.
How Often Should You Meditate?
Practicing one to three times a day can make a huge difference in your vibes. Even if only for 5 to 15 minutes! Every little bit counts, just get started and before you know it becomes a routine.
It’s worth trying a few types of meditation out to start. This helps you find out which ones are right for you. If you’ve tried meditation in the past and it didn’t stick, search for other methods and options.
I’ve currently been loving the Silva Mind Control Method and have already been seeing great benefits!
Don’t miss out on living in a higher vibration! Meditation is the real deal and worth putting effort into. You just have to find the right type for you.
High Vibrational Sounds
When you’re feeling low vibrational and you need an instant boost, listening to high vibrational music or sounds can instantly transform you.
Purchase a singing bowl or tuning forks that resonate with different chakras. Ringing a singing bowl or striking a tuning fork creates a higher vibration that your own energy wants to align with. You’ll feel yourself naturally calming and resonating with the sound.

You can also try binaural beats.
Simply put, binaural beats are when two tones get played together. The brain interprets these two tones as a beat of its own. It sounds like a vibration of notes played together.
Basically, these tones and vibrations may have a calming effect on your brain. You can find free videos that use binaural beats on YouTube and other social media platforms. Some use the sound vibrations of different chakras to help you heal.
Speak With Your Spirit Guides
Another way to get help raising your vibration is by reaching out to your spiritual team. Everyone has spirit guides and they’re always waiting on the sidelines cheering you on. If you want to call them in, all you have to do is ask.
You can ask out loud, in your mind during meditation, or write them a letter. You might think of them from time to time and ask for their help with a simple thought.

It doesn’t take much to ask your spirit guides for help. But sometimes it can be difficult to remember!
If you’re doubting whether or not they heard your request, you can always ask them to show you a sign. Don’t be afraid to get specific and ask them to show you something in detail. For example a red balloon, a yellow butterfly, repeating numbers, or a penny!
You’d be amazed at how they come through with these signs and synchronicities! Just don’t doubt it after they took the effort to show you one.
How to Raise Your Vibration? Start with Self Love
Love is the highest vibrational energy out there! That’s why emanating love from within is always the key to raising your vibration.
When you don’t hold yourself in high regard you instantly lower your vibration and begin to draw in negativity from others. As simple as it sounds, finding ways to be grateful for your life and the things that you love about yourself instantly raises your vibration.
Now that you know how to raise your vibration, which one will you try first? If you’d like to go deeper and find out what energy currently surrounds you, Click HERE to find out all the ways I can help!